Hey Guys.

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Posted by Jonas [] on Thursday, October 26, 2017 at 23:53:58 :

Hi, I'm still around. Just been super busy with a lot of non power wagon stuff.
Fire deployments in Washington State all summer, and went down to Santa Rosa and Geyserville Califorina last week.
Still have the swivel, the service truck and another morphodite Power Wagon, but they are all in storage.
I moved to a old house up in Roslyn, WA by myself, so time not spent working with the fire department has been spent working on the house and my life. Much smaller shop and a smaller house, but I still got a place to hang my hat and a wrench.
Thanks for your concern fellas.

Wish I could have got Martys 60 W300... seems like the deal of the century!

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