The why?

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Posted by Eric B. [] on Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at 14:05:53 :

In Reply to: 58 & 59 W300M Vin Numbers posted by Marty [] on Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at 00:19:24 :

Dodge wanted to change the system and so they went to one that used the letters already used to designate the year. L = 1958 and M = 1959. The rest describes the truck

L = 1958
6 = 6 cylinder
W3M = W300M
L = light duty
01001 = starting sequential number.

A V8 1959 D500 would be M8D5H01001.

In 1960 they changed the system again and that same basic layout was used until a system with more information was introduced in 1970.

Or are you asking why change from the 839 number at all? It might have been to align with the cars. It might have been because of some regulation. I’m guessing it was to simplify things as having two sequential numbers to worry about is better than 30 the year before.


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