Re: Still Overheating (Some)

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Posted by Desoto61 [] on Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at 06:08:00 :

In Reply to: Still Overheating (Some) posted by Jim in Litchfield Park [] on Sunday, October 22, 2017 at 22:25:23 :

So after looking through the below I have a few questions you may want to answer:

Does the engine overheat if you were to run the engine at the same RPMs but at slower speeds (e.g if you drive around in a lower gear at the same engine speed)? It would let you know if it's engine speed/load or vehicle speed or a combination of the two.

What is the temperature drop across the radiator? As I mentioned below the ideal setup would be a gauge connected up at the outlet you would watch while driving, but one of the non-contact "guns" while hot and sitting still (both at idle and higher engine speed) would give you some idea as to the effectiveness of the cooling system.

The O2 sensor discussed is a fairly big project, but would really tell you exactly what's happening with your carburetor. I'm reluctant to say you need a new/different one when you should be able to tune the one you have better. But it's a moot point if that's not actually the problem, and the only way to know that for certain is with the sensor. Have you pulled the plugs to see what they're telling you about how the engine runs? Not as precise as the O2 sensor but it's a data point.

Also agree with looking at the lower rad hose as a potential source. It's a cheap and simple thing to check. If it's not collapsing you could always try doing it yourself to test the "too fast" hypothesis. Create some sort of clamp you can put on the hose to restrict flow and see what that does.

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