Re: Bleeding brakes?

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Posted by Terry [] on Sunday, October 22, 2017 at 11:26:06 :

In Reply to: Re: Bleeding brakes? posted by Vaughn [] on Sunday, October 22, 2017 at 10:51:18 :

I pressure bleed the brake system as with the vacuum type I only seemed to get half the air out.
What I did is buy a small garden sprayer, an air pressure gauge and some clear tubing to replace the spray hose. Drill a hole slightly smaller for the pressure gauge near the top of sprayer and "force thread" the gauge into the sprayer body, then swap out the spray hose with the clear tubing.
Once assembled, leak check by pumping sprayer with just air. If successful in building your pressure bleeder, fill with good brake fluid, attach to the adaptor plug I forgot to mention, (a pipe plug drilled out with a barb connector tapped into it) which you have threaded into the master, and pump to around 10 pounds.
Bleed your brakes as you normally would, go twice around truck. Once satisfied of job, boost it up to 15 pounds or so, and do a final leak check, as anywhere potential failure is will spray you with brake fluid.

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