Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Tuesday, June 06, 2017 at 10:32:02 :
Iowa is only 10 miles down the road! ;^)
Then, it is a couple of hours drive to the Rally. See you there.
Junior and Spence
Follow Ups: Re: Leaving for Iowa shortly - Jerry in Idaho 11:39:29 06/06/2017 Re: Leaving for Iowa shortly - TGP (IL) ip 11:52:26 06/06/2017 Re: Leaving for Iowa shortly - Jerry in Idaho 12:54:28 06/06/2017 Re: Leaving for Iowa shortly - Jerry in Idaho 13:02:46 06/06/2017 Re: Leaving for Iowa shortly - Jerry in Idaho 13:04:25 06/06/2017 Re: Leaving for Iowa shortly - DG 17:06:44 06/06/2017 Re: Leaving for Iowa shortly - greg gideo 11:02:42 06/06/2017
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