Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Sunday, May 14, 2017 at 08:55:53 :
Fred graciously posted a response below to a question I posed, and another to a question that Todd Somers asked. Both of our questions regarded early truck and belt pulley numbering schemes.
In typical fashion, Fred has methodically arrived at very logical theories based upon factual information and his own personal exhaustive research, and has freely offered them up for our consideration. His comments below are well worth a read for anyone interested in the history of Power-Wagons from the aspect of the numbers involved.
I personally, will file these tidbits of wisdom away in a safe place for future reference and will remain on the edge of my seat awaiting future updates now that the seeds have been cultivated - seeds that were optimistically planted years before. Fred was a driving inspiration for my entry into the Power-Wagon hobby back then, and remains in my eyes, to this day, one of the true scholars and an endearing mentor.
Thanks Fred,
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