Posted by Paul (in NY) [] on Thursday, May 04, 2017 at 16:15:45 :
In Reply to: Re: Bleed, Bleed and Bleed again posted by MichaelM in Mich [] on Thursday, May 04, 2017 at 12:37:15 :
1. Fill the PS Pump tank with PS fluid.
2. Start the engine and shut off as fast as you can.
3. Refill the PS Tank.
4. Repeat #2....Always shutting the engine off as soon as it starts. DONT LET IT RUN.
5. Keep doing steps #2&3 until the level stays the same in the PS Tank.
6. With engine NOT RUNNING, crank steering from lock to lock, maybe 5 or times and then check the fluid level in the PS tank. If down fill and repeat #2. Shut it off quick !
7. Repeat #6.....all should now be well.
When you start the engine on a empty system the pump quickly suck air and you get a system with air bubbles everywhere. Using the above procedure, the pump fluid level never gets so low the pump can suck air.
This sound like a long procedure. It is not.
I can bleed a total new install, using the above and be all done in 10 minutes or less.