Posted by Todd in Kansas [] on Sunday, April 02, 2017 at 00:25:00 :
In Reply to: Re: It wont's why! posted by BK IN REDMOND [] on Saturday, April 01, 2017 at 19:38:24 :
I haven't changed the filter since the problem. All the new ones wont fit inside the housing. I have pushed and cussed and it wont go in. I am leary of opening one up and taking the stuffing out of it to make it smaller with the fear of the sock coming loose and allowing some stuffing to go into the oil passages and plug something up. You will just have to try and locate an original filter. I have not tried the Baldwin that Clint told us about. What WIX was trying to do is have one filter cover the job of multiple filters. and thought one size would fit all and it didn't work.
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