Posted by bill in pa. [] on Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 21:01:12 :
In Reply to: o/t 2010 6.7 cummins oil leak posted by mannyc [] on Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 18:13:27 :
engine oil level rising has nothing to do with the regen system. The regen system actually ha nothing to do with the engine internally. It injects diesel fuel into the exhaust and is ignited by a spark plug to make a flame, same as a oil fired furnace in a home to make enough heat to burn the diesel by products in the ceramic exhaust filter, When the sensors detect a higher than normal back pressure. If your oil level is rising and it smells like diesel fuel in it. Its more likely a bad injector pumping to much fuel into one of the cylinders, going past the rings washing the cylinder and going into the oil.
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