Posted by Cheyenne Dave on Friday, November 09, 2001 at 0:08AM :
In Reply to: Wear Sleeves posted by Mike M. on Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 9:38PM :
I just finished sleeving all four wheel spindles, where the wheel hub inner seal rides. The "tool" that comes with each Speedi-Sleeve is too shallow to reach over the spindle, so I made my own. I keep a bucket full of old bearing cups (races). I found one that was close to the right size but it was a little big. I cut out a small section if the cup, squeezed the ends together in a vise, and welded the ends together. I welded the bearing cup to one end of a length of drive shaft(long enough to fit over the spindle)and a piece of 1/4" steel plate(to hammer on)to the other end. Works great and it may come in handy for other applications. We have over a dozen tools like this that are great for seating seals, bearing cups and Speedi-Sleeves...just didn't have one the right size...'til now!
Once you have your tool, you are ready to put on your sleeve. Apply a thin coat of epoxy to the grove that is worn in whatever you're sleeving. Place the new sleeve over the edge of part and slide your new tool over the sleeve. Tap the tool gently with a hammer or mallet, making sure it's going on square. Keep taping the tool until the sleeve is either seated or until the end of the sleeve is even with the edge of the parts shoulder. If the sleeve is all the way seated and there is an excess of sleeve hanging over, it must be carefully filed down flush. Good luck! Dave
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