Posted by Don in Missouri [] on Saturday, February 25, 2017 at 10:20:20 :
In Reply to: Doesnt ethenol improve with age? posted by Mike Hernke (mo) [] on Saturday, February 25, 2017 at 07:50:11 :
If we could drink 15 billion gallons a year, we wouldn't have to worry about compatibility issues with gasoline. We'd only have to worry that gas cost $5/gallon in a world where OPEC has no competition in the fuel market.
I don't know if ethanol has a cleaning effect, but biodiesel definitely does. B100 is super slippery. It will slide right under paint that is not well cured and tight. It is great for removing vinyl decals, etc.
As little as 2% biodiesel optimizes the lubricity of diesel fuel. It has been a great additive for restoring lubricity lost when they removed sulfur from diesel fuel.
And it can dislodge sludge in an dirty fuel system. I have run a lot of biodiesel in a lot of old junk and never had a problem myself, but we tell people to ease into biodiesel use on old equipment and be prepared for a fuel filter change in the event there is a lot of sludge left behind by years of diesel fuel that gets dislodged by biodiesel's cleaning effect. The effect is smaller for blends, but B100 will keep your fuel system spic and span.