Posted by Willy-N [] on Monday, February 06, 2017 at 17:30:45 :
In Reply to: Re: Man what a Snow Mess to clean up!! posted by Kaegi [] on Monday, February 06, 2017 at 11:55:36 :
I blew so hard most went south and the roofs blew clean. 30 MPH winds make the snow do strange things. The county plow broke down around the corner. I saw a repair truck go by after he did. Glad I had the new tractor cause the loader was nice to open it up first. Neibors are all drifed in around me on there privet road. One guy has a tractor and they expect him to clean it all out for them??!! He lives at the end and I would fill in every ones driveway deep as I could as I went by if the did not pay for fuel or help! This has gone on for years. I learned on the coast not to have a shared road cause most won't chip in when work is needed done!
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