Posted by Brian A [] on Monday, January 02, 2017 at 23:03:28 :
In Reply to: Vintage Snowmobiles OT posted by The Dodge Boys [] on Friday, December 30, 2016 at 23:01:02 :
Still have the old Hustler sled my Grandfather picked up in 1967. It is a neat old piece, but is top heavy and is only good on packed trails. Have buried it in four feet of powder, way back in the hills, and had to dig/drag it back to the trail after it submarined.
Sleds are still pretty popular here in northern Michigan, as all the 2-cycle fumes in the air over the holiday can attest to.
I prefer my old DMC Super Imp, can close the door, turn on the heat, plow the driveway, and play in snow deeper than most snowmobiles dare even think about. It is much more costly to operate and no where near as fast though.
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