Posted by Willy-N [] on Saturday, December 24, 2016 at 12:28:21 :
In Reply to: Re:Dec 27th is D-Day for me posted by Russ Roth [] on Saturday, December 24, 2016 at 03:35:49 :
Boy the 100% sure helps I know mine does!! The prostate thing is now giving me trouble but I am waiting for this other problem to be taken care of first. I have a big busted up kidney stone in my left good one they want to cut out but again that is on hold. Our bodies seem to break down around this age? I just hate dealing with doctors period. When I busted my foot in three places they said it would takeover a year to use it. I got it back in shape in less than 6 months but that was painful using it till it got better!
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