Posted by Willy-N [] on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 13:47:06 :
In Reply to: Re: 21 Below Zero Wind Chill and 5 Degs posted by Glen of Idaho [] on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 13:37:08 :
Mother in Law called this morning to tell us her hot water has quit in the kitchen and bath room! So hard to tell a 81 year old Lady to turn up the heat above 60 in the winter!!!! She has to not waste anything but I keep telling her if she dose not turn up the heat the Plumbers will get lots of money fixing the pipes! I put a heater under her house in town but she lets the inside cool down to much. Glad there the special plastic pipe that don't burst and have separate valves for each run. Got a house fire going on in town another ruined Christmas and fire trucks having a time dealing with the cold trying to put it out!