Posted by Jim in Litchfield Park [] on Wednesday, December 07, 2016 at 22:14:32 :
Got a number of responses yesterday to my question of why the bed strips bolt holes don't match up with the holes in the WDX's bed channels. Finally got over to the bed installer's shop for a first hand look. Thanks to Jens at VPW I was able to get the spacing measurements for the bolt holes on the two outside strips . VPW's measurents were spot on with the holes in my bed's channels. Mar K's holes were too long by 1/2" on the # 6 bolt (from the top of the bed) and 1/4" too long on the 7th hole. This may not sound like much but as a result the extra distance means the bed strip's bolt holes extend beyond by the channels into open space. Extending the width of the channels is not an option. So what's the solution? Either order your strips from VPW which have the proper spacing or have Mar K make custom bed strips which have bolt holes done to your specific measurements. And I thought installing a bed in the truck would be a simple task!
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