Posted by CSCameron [] on Sunday, November 27, 2016 at 20:11:35 :
In Reply to: Figured something cool out today posted by Tim Holloway [] on Sunday, November 27, 2016 at 19:21:56 :
I finally came up with the solution. After hand pumping tranny, transfer case and pumpkins several times, I tried one of these drill pumps. Works like magic. Filled all four units in less than ten minutes without a mess or cramps. LOL. Had no problem with gear oil. Took a couple of seconds to prime the thing then it was off to the races. Slickest thing I've done.
Just purchase a couple of hose fittings to screw on to the ends and some clear tubing with clamps. I cut a length of tube to fit to the bottom of whatever container you are using, then a length to fit well into the unit. Connect your drill to the pump and pump away. It moves!
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