Happy Pie Day!

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Posted by Chris Case [] on Wednesday, November 23, 2016 at 15:36:15 :

I may mean tommorrow, when the turkey is just an excuse to eat pies for desert.

Or today, when the families bake the pies.

My sister is hosting at her large house. A couple dozen of us.

I'm bringing a high gluten, high cholesterol, flakey apple pie made with old fashioned real beef shortening. And an Ug* or two of Gentleman Jack to bring up the spices.

*An Ug is a measure of volume. You tip up the jug and the fluid coming out goes ug-ug-ug.
It's only accurate for molasses and distilled beverages. :^)

Pic is of Dad, ancestor of about 28 of us. Add in some husbands and wives, and two dozen is a small dinner party.

PW content: Note the temperatur gauge hanging from the range hood.

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