Posted by Gary d [] on Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 09:57:51 :
So I've got th cummins and Allison combo setting exactly where it needs to be, and is going to fit like a glove, no body mount, no floor or firewall cutting. Have to fabricate some new front motor mounts and adjust th transmission mount. Might have to adjust th transmission pan for for driveshaft clearance. Going to have to have a driv shaft made, looking at inland empire to make it, going to be about 6" long. I'm thinking something like a double slip yolk, won't make that call until motor and trans ar bolted in and settting on all four tires. Next up is the disk brake conversion.. I'm going to have some stock leftover pieces if anyone needs a heater or factory trans mount. Hope to be driving it by Christmas...
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