Posted by Ray [] on Monday, October 03, 2016 at 20:38:48 :
In Reply to: Re: Going to see a Real Doctor Today? posted by Terry [] on Monday, October 03, 2016 at 15:21:44 :
Hope you have the genetic make-up that defies the stats. Positive thinking, a good attitude on life a loving family, and friends help keep people health and living longer. You can be tested for cancer at no cost if you have been exposed to asbestos. Under a microscope asbestos looks like little barbells, the asbestos fiber and small growths over the sharp ends of the fiber in the lung. On the good note, my brother bought a house from a man that owned a business insulating industrial boilers, the attic was 12" thick of asbestos. Sadly his wife died one year after they moved in but he lived around it for over 50 more years.
I spent several years tearing off the old slate like asbestos shingles. Worse I was a Millwright rebuilding 3 story tall industrial ovens for Dow Chemical. Removing 8-10 inch thick asbestos chunk insulation that was friable, I brought my own paper dust mask. After rebuilding they expected for me to reuse the same insulation, I walked off the job that day, that was about 40 years ago, which is the latency period.
Silica dust, cotton dust, and wood dust and others are as big of a issue as coal dust. In wood working shops the vacuums collect the large particulates but the very fine dust that settles overnight is what does the damage deep in the lungs. I have a vortex dust collector as well as a ambient room air filter that runs all the time I'm in the shop and turns off 90 minuets after I'm gone.
Some sad numbers
Non-smoking, no asbestos exposure 1
Non-smoking, asbestos exposure x 3.33
Smoking, no asbestos exposure x 6.67
Smoking and asbestos exposure x 40