Posted by Keith in Washington [] on Wednesday, July 06, 2016 at 20:47:08 :
In Reply to: Re: Death Wooble posted by bill [] on Wednesday, July 06, 2016 at 19:03:54 :
You have something loose up front. So when you hit something it will start wobbling into a death wobble.
Here is what you need to look at. 40 to 45 mph seems to be a speed where these trucks seem to vibrate. Going into a death wobble clearly says something is loose.
Check that the drag link ends are adjusted correctly with no slop in them.
Check the steering box adjustment. Also make sure that the pitman arm is thought on the box.
Check that the steering arm is tight on the driver side hub.
Check the tie rods ends for play and replace if needed.
Check and replace all worn spring bushings and pins. If they have not been replaced, do it.
Check shackle bushings and pins for wear. Replace if you have not already.
Check wheel bearing adjustment.
King pins
Check and adjust king pin bearings and bushings. Consider replacing if you have not.
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