Posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 15:18:01 :
In Reply to: Re: Or.... posted by Dozerman51 [] on Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 20:18:08 :
This one's an early 7U (one-piece transmission cover, 2-piece pony motor exhaust, fender-mounted fuel tank). Did not look for the direct-start mounting hole, but I'd be amazed if it has one. The direct-start adapters I've seen mount where the pony motor pinion clutch would go. They cost around $1500, which is too rich for me. Plus, I don't see how you can crank for the 5-15 minutes it takes to start a cold cat, without running the batteries down and overheating the motor. Maybe you have to add glow plugs or use ether. It gets too elaborate. My plan is to use a junk pony motor housing to mount a belt pulley that will be driven off of a side-mounted "go-kart" motor. That has its own set of problems (won't preheat the coolant and intake air, more fragile and prone to getting broken from heavy shocks and falling limbs and rocks, and no way to know until I try it whether it has enough torque to crank a cold diesel) but has the advantage of using a modern Chicom "disposable" motor and not needing any electricity at all for anything. We'll see how it works.