Posted by Mac from Texas [] on Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 14:40:48 :
In Reply to: Re: OT Memorial Day posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 12:19:48 :
My nephew has worked very hard to obtain his dream of being a police officer and is happy to help his family and friends in all things I live next to a joint reserve base I see all these young people showing up for drill on the weekend some are younger than I when I went in the Army. I have seen much dedicated selfless service in parks and helping others by the young people in this area. There are always slugs I not much on shoe boxing a whole group of people myself I want to remember my Uncle who served in WW2 in Europe in the Army my day who retired from the Military served in Germany in Berlin in the late fifties in the Army went in the Air Force and served in Vietnam in 68 Retired in 76. And all the other people served beside my relatives and I was lucky enough to serve with in the 80s they were young too. We were all alone and once place I served we were all far from Home. Some are gone now. All left an impression on me what it means to serve. I work with a great group of people who have left the military and come to work for the US GOV. Still serving some our very young 20s and had deployments In the combat zones they still are serving some stayed in the reserves So I say they are no different then the people that founded this country Like the saying from a WWII Poster Americans will always stand for Freedom. Sorry for my Soapbox lecture but as those of you know I have certain beliefs about people in this country. I things are just in a different time but their are still people willing to stand up and tow the line at any age......
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