Posted by daveyk [] on Sunday, May 01, 2016 at 13:22:58 :
In Reply to: O.T. Anybody dealt with a barrel of paint? posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 23:26:28 :
Hello Sherman,
Great find!
The "old" red oxide primer had lots of heavies that settle to the bottom even in the thinned out mixes.
In that size barrel it is gunna be tough to get it all back in-suspension.
In the gallon cans we would have to scrape the bottom to get it all up.
The idea of setting it on it's side and rolling it back and forth may be the best way.
If you roll it 1/2 turn and let it sit a day or 2 - then roll it another 1/2 turn may help and if you can get the barrel warm - - sitting in the sun or in a warm/heated area may help also.
If there is a top bung try removing it and stick a broom handle in to see how far down you hit the heavies.
Good Luck.