Posted by Dave Horvath on May 15, 1998 at 09:46:46:
In Reply to: Re: You know you are a Dodge Power Wagon nut when... posted by dallas on May 14, 1998 at 23:30:53:
1. The shop manual is the last thing you read at night before going to bed.
2. The size of your Power Wagon library is fast approaching that of your books on grouse hunting, double barrel shotguns, etc.
3. You drive four hours to converse about Power Wagons and pay entirely too much for a good seat, in interior mirror and some lug nuts.
4. Your six-year old son believes Power Wagon is some type of religion.
5. You can actually tell someone what year each of the different pick-up bed styles became available.
6. Your sister has an artist friend paint a switch-plate cover for you based on a picture of your truck (no kidding).
7. At least one paper-weight at your office came off of an old Dodge.
8. You pay Gas-Tank-Renu to redo your leaking tank, because they offer a lifetime warranty and you want to hand your truck down to your son with a good tank.
9. You buy a truck "just to work around the farm.." and end up sinking untold sums of time, money and love into it trying to make it "right".
10. You actually spent some time thinking of a name for your truck - mine's "Iron Betty".