Posted by Mike Fletcher on June 23, 1998 at 08:15:12:
In Reply to: 12V accessory in 24V vehicle? posted by Peter Hewko on June 22, 1998 at 23:22:11:
Whatever current you draw from one or both of the 12v batteries will be replaced by the charging system. It doesn't care if you take the load at the 12v point or the 24v point. If you take x amps it will replace x amps, but here is the problem: All charging current must go through both batteries because they are in series. If a load is placed on one battery only, the other one gets an overcharge equal to the amount of current you took out at 12 volts. In other words, if you take 10 amps out at 12v, the generator will replace the 10 amps but it will go to both batteries because they are in series. The one you didn't take any load from now has a 10 amp overcharge . It takes surprisingly little of this treatment to ruin the second battery.
A CB receiver is a pretty tiny load, though, and the transmit current is intermittent. You'll get by with it. Just be aware of what is happening & don't try any large and/or constant loads.