Posted by trent on June 18, 1998 at 11:22:08:
I've ben visiting this page for about a year now and have really gained a intrest in vintage Dodges. I've come across one to buy as just a fun trail rig and was wondering what ya' all thought it might be worth. I'm not exactly sure if it is or not, but the owner claims that it is a 1941 Command Car. All of the original drive train is there and he claims that he started it about 4 or 5 years ago using a 12V battery and a resistor inorder to use the PTO winch. The body has been sawed off behind the front seats and has had a steel sheet welded in for a back wall. It does have a bed on it (off a WC?). It also has dual rear wheels on a single rear axle. The door frames have also had some angle iron welded around them, and the doors are lying in the bed, in bad shape.
He's been trying to sell it for almost 10 years and was orginally asking $700, I think that I could pick it up now for $100-$300 with the cash in hand. What do you think?