Posted by Glen [] on Monday, February 29, 2016 at 23:31:11 :
Today I was driving home pulling my 24 foot trailer loaded with ecology blocks, horse panels and pig wire. I had just looked at my speedometer and it was reading 45 mph the speed limit on the four lane leaving Lewiston.
I was traveling east in the far right lane when a guy riding a bicycle came from my left across two lames and the median and t-boned my trailer. All I had time to do was swerve and hit the brakes. The bike rider was going fast enough launch himself all the way onto the trailer and collide with the eco blocks head on.
It took me about a hundred yards to stop. When I walked back the bike and rider lay crumpled up on the road on the dividing line between lanes. I called 911 and other drivers parked their rigs in the way to shield the guy from oncoming traffic.
I gave him a quick assessment and he was surprisingly unhurt. Road rash on his bare legs. I wish I would have had a camera to get a picture of his riding helmet split in half from front to back.
One lucky leap year dude. And I mead dude in the strictest old definition,
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