Posted by Tim Holloway [] on Sunday, February 07, 2016 at 08:52:59 :
While looking for a couple of obscure parts for the overdrive conversion on my 57 W-100 I came across a place in Washington State named Len Dawsons Deception Pass Motor Parts.
They deal in NOS Mopar parts only. You need to have the part numbers, plug them in and it tells you if they have it or not. Their prices seemed reasonable to me. Someone had one of the parts I needed on ebay for $225, Len Dawson had it for $65. Their website is a bit primitive, to order parts you email them what you need with your credit card number and about 10 days later there will be a box at your door. No confirmation from them etc, which is fine now that I know that it works. I will definately use them again.
Joe, I would reccomend they be added to the vendors list.
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