Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Monday, January 18, 2016 at 19:39:58 :
In Reply to: What About Clint Dixon posted by Brent [] on Sunday, January 17, 2016 at 20:26:07 :
We have to go back to about 1985. Mike and Cindy Day started the Kollection Korner and had some Power-Wagon custom belt buckles made. This gave me an idea. I like wearing caps, and since no one at that time was making a Power-Wagon cap, I had a few made and sold them through the Power Wagon Advertiser.
Todd Somers bought one of my caps and we kept in touch by phone and letter thereafter. Fellow Power-Wagon enthusiasts were few and far in between back in the early 80's. Todd and I hit it off right away.
Fast forward to 1988. Todd and I were both making plans to attend the Power Wagon Rally. We could hardly believe that someone was actually going to host an event where Power-Wagon trucks and owners could get together face-to-face. Todd and I had never met or seen pictures of one another, so we wondered how we would know each other should we meet. (This was before cell phones of course.) Todd said he would be easy to find as he was tall, he had a beard, he wore glasses, and he would be wearing the Power-Wagon cap I had made. I told him that I should be easy to find as well as I am tall, I have a beard, I wear glasses, and I would be wearing one of my own Power-Wagon caps. The first day of the Rally, we easily spotted each other across the fairgrounds.
Fast forward a few years. I traveled to North Carolina to visit Todd. I was surprised to find that some of the folks we met while traveling around rural NC thought we were brothers. Then, we noticed that some of the new Rally attendees also thought that Todd and I were brothers. (I don't know why. Maybe it has something to do with both of us being tall. Or, maybe both of us having a beard. Possibly that we both wear glasses. Or maybe because we both wear caps. It will have to remain a mystery.)
Fast forward another few years and another Rally finds Todd and I working together getting ready to saw wood at the back of my Power-Wagon. Another friend named Robert Metcalf (he owned the first crewcab WDX model Power-Wagon that surfaced in the collecting community back in the early 80's) saw us and commented that we looked just like Spence and Junior. He was referring to "Power Wagon", the movie that was produced in 1951. In it, two guys are seen in various parts of the country operating Power-Wagons with Monroe 3-point lifts and the attached equipment - including a cordwood saw.
Spence and Junior appear to be William McIntyre and his nephew Chuck McIntyre of the Monroe Auto Equipment Company, though I cannot prove it. They appear throughout the film and play the parts of different farmers and ranchers. It is sort of comical in a way because the viewer is not supposed to notice that these different guys are actually the same two individuals. Monroe people were traveling the country exhibiting Power-Wagons with the Monroe Lift during this time and the same two guys appear in images in several pieces of literature from both Monroe and Dodge.
Anyway, "Spence and Junior" just kind of stuck. We noticed that a lot of people who post on the forums use an alias, so why not Spence and Junior?
There you have it. Did I do okay Spence? ;^)
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