Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Sunday, January 17, 2016 at 09:39:07 :
There was a fella here for a while who posted under the name "Copey." His posts were...colorful. I was getting kinda old with me and I was starting to have a problem with it all.
Then he died.
Then, there was the respected "MoparNorm". I really liked him, but every time he and I talked, no matter what the subject, it became an unsolicited lesson in politics. I guess one could say I had a problem with that.
Then he died.
Over on Gordon's PWA page, resided "JimmieD." What started out between us as educational posts with underlying religious tones, soon became out of control unwanted witnessing. Yeah, I had a problem with that.
Then he died.
Then there was "James Knight". Some may remember him better as: W500lover, Dozerhead, Jim Bowie, James, John, etc. Boy, I really had a problem with him.
Then he died.
One may notice a similarity between the above mentioned enthusiasts. That similarity would be the common denominator - me.
From recent posts, some seem to have a problem with posts from "Franz". I can understand that and I have no problem with someone having a problem with Franz's posts. (I think I remember reading a couple three of his posts at one time or another.) But, I am not going to have a problem with them. Not me. No. Huh-uh. Not this boy. It ain't happening.
No problem.
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