Posted by Kaegi [] on Friday, January 15, 2016 at 19:30:49 :
In Reply to: Re: Pioneer Tool Rack posted by Vaughn [] on Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 22:22:44 :
I try to jack them up just a 1/4 inch off ground that way I can maneuver tire back on without getting tire airborne. I grab under edge of bolt on ring, put knees against tire, pull up slightly and slide it inward. No strain on back that way. ;/)
had some back issues last month and got a new xray and the guy said "let me guess you broke your back as a teen" I said they never told me that when I injured it but it was plain as day 30 years later in the xray. I broke it in a ski race and only now finding out! bad doc I guess back when I did it.
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