Posted by DDD [] on Monday, January 04, 2016 at 10:56:31 :
In Reply to: Re: Engine miss..I am so stumped with this engine posted by mannyc [] on Monday, January 04, 2016 at 09:19:49 :
yea.. I may have other issues related to the NOS components, but I would get into them here :)
trying to figure out this miss, or stumble first.. one big bite at a time.. I cant seem to get anywhere.
So far, it seems my aproach, is to fix the easy stuff, or try the easy stuff first.
Ill try retarding the timing, as per suggested up eralier in the reponses.. thats easy.. I just didnt have time to try another setting while at the cabin... thats next.
after that, I need to address the exhaust pipe /muffler leak and see if the back pressure is causing this...
after that, it will get deeper and more costly :(
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