Slush in the gas

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Posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Friday, December 25, 2015 at 20:50:13 :

Went to fire up the old M37 to get it out of the yard so I could get the Tucker out. Haven't run it for 2 years. Runs with gas poured down the carb. Took the fuel bowl off and it had some dirt in it but no water. Dumped it out and put it back on. Fired it up again and let it run until it quit and this time the fuel bowl was most of the way full of slush. Looks like water got in the gas. Today the temp was near freezing but it's not supposed to get out of the 20s at all for the next week. Hope it doesn't freeze solid tonight. Not sure if it's stalling because the slush is clogging the fuel filter or because the carb bowl is filling up with water. Will try it a few more times and see if I can get clean gas out of the tank but I'm not hopeful. May have to jerry-rig a gas can to the carb just to move the truck. Gauge says tank is half full. There's no drain plug on the bottom of the tank. Seems like it would take an awful lot of bottles of methanol to "dry" all that gas. Any good ideas?

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