Posted by Willy-N [] on Sunday, December 13, 2015 at 20:08:03 :
In Reply to: Re: Having a Sideways Snow Storm! posted by Keith in Washington [] on Sunday, December 13, 2015 at 12:53:13 :
It stopped snowing last night and cleared up today nicely! Spent 1/2 the day cleaning up the mess with the tractor. Moved a 10x20 ziggey building 30 ft that was a project in itself! Graded the site flat and got rid of all the snow off it. Now the building site is ready to start the foundation to get ready to pour as soon as we can before it is to late. Adding 1800 sq ft to a existing building for my Daughters business. Very burnt out just got in from a whole day of messing with this stuff.