Posted by Gary on Friday, September 21, 2001 at 6:08PM :
In Reply to: W500 questions posted by Peter Hewko on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 at 6:20PM :
My crewcab has the O/D 5 speed. I run 9.00 x 20 tires. I can cruise at 60 at a little less than 3000 rpm, maybe 2850? My axles are 6.80.
I have cruised at 65 with no problem.
The brakes are very strong on my truck. I wouldn't want more braking power. It will put you through the windshield! Of course, it's a big truck and on anything slippery, you had better know how to drive.
You will have to get used to gearing down on hills, especially when loaded.
Here in New Jersey, you don't need a CDL for non-commercial use if GVWR is under 20000 (or is it 18000?) lbs. The tag on mine says 20,000 but I registered it for 17000. I doubt that I will ever put that big a load in the truck. Nobody seems to check anyway.
By the way, I regularly use my truck to haul my two-horse trailer. The total weight of horses and trailer is probably about 4500 or 5000 lbs. No problem, except for some 2nd gear grinding on one very steep nearby hill.
Good luck with the truck. Post some details about that rear axle. That sounds interesting.
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