Posted by EdC on Saturday, September 08, 2001 at 2:02PM :
I am planning on firing up the old grill on the 30th! Anyone else up for a PW BBQ? Put it in your Palm Pilot NOW! Henri, Robert, Maui Dave, Gary, Ken, Mike, Eric, Randy & anyone else from Anytown USA that might be around the Bay Area (San Mateo) that Sunday is welcome to join us (O.K., Oregon included)! Sorry no trail rides (no trails unless you blaze one getting here!), just burgers and an open air chat room (my deck)! Wifes, Husbands, Children, & Significant Others WELCOME! My wife just agreed to belay the shopping trip to Carmel and hang for the day, what a sweetheart! RSVP via email or call 650.348.1258. Aloha!
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