Posted by clueless [] on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 12:45:28 :
you can see the rear flange was torched off the support and you can see the custom motor mount ext. for the lg blk
they raised the motor like 5/8 an in. doing this--dont know if they raised the rear mount to boot
the pulley still did not clear the support until they cut the flange off
plan was(is) to use a spare support but could just clean up the support as is(my guess is it still strong enuff) and mount my rad. and shroud on the back of the front flange with plus or minus 1/2 in spacer to move it back to the 2 in. forward of stock position for the correct shroud position on the fan
if i mount it directly to the back of the front flange the grill is in the way but i have the tall grill
if i use the winch grill then i can mount it directly on the support and use a spacer between the rad and the shroud to keep the shroud in proper relation to the