Posted by Desoto61 [] on Thursday, November 05, 2015 at 06:29:10 :
In Reply to: Re: About at my witts end here posted by Tim Holloway [] on Wednesday, November 04, 2015 at 15:24:50 :
Agreed, if the starter is firing well I'd think the ground between block and battery is good.
So if you go straight from the coil to a plug that should tell you if it is the top end of the distributor or the bottom end/coil causing the problem then.
Is the distributor voltage the same during cranking? Test continuity through the distributor housing to the block? Is the distributor turning with the motor as Chris (and probably other) suggested.
It is frustrating that these systems are seemingly so simple, but that also means you should be able to break each part down and verify it individually.
Good luck, it's always frustrating, but very rewarding when you finally figure it out.
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