Posted by Chris Case [] on Tuesday, November 03, 2015 at 14:51:19 :
In Reply to: 318A keeps fouling number one plug posted by Brian A [] on Tuesday, November 03, 2015 at 14:35:22 :
Either your choke is too rich, or there is a piece of crap between inlet need and seat.
Time for my semi-annual diatribe: Did somebody hack the steel line to put in a filter, and then slide rubber hose over the ends of the ragged steel, shredding the lining of the rubber? Said pieces of rubber get stuck under the inlet needle of the carb, preventing it from shutting off fuel flow when bowl is full. Fuel can usually be seen dribbling into the carb throat when running by looking into the carb.
Easy diagnosis/temp fix, is to start it up, clamp the rubber hose with a pair of pliers, and see if it runs well for a minute, until the bowl gets emptied.(diagnosis) Then let loose the pliers, and inrushing gas might flush the rubber shred into the bole, allowing the inlet needle to set properly.(temp fix)
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