Posted by Willy-N [] on Monday, October 26, 2015 at 22:52:21 :
In Reply to: deal with the drivers side first posted by west coast bruce [] on Monday, October 26, 2015 at 22:26:48 :
I was looking at the Dodge single motor set ups and they did look like they would work. These are some real NICE Wiper Motors too and would really do the job! If I can make them work I would like to use them. Heck people cut the fire walls out and floor for bigger engines. The cut up the dash for nicer gauges, remove the drive lines for a newer trucks suspension and tires. SO if I need to do a slight modification to use these and still hide them in a good way I will. They will do the job and push lots of snow! I need to modify the wiper arm end a little so it is shorter. Easy fix just cut the arms end that hooks to the blade off a little and stick it back in the arm. It locks in place and you would never know it is done. They are strong blades and arms!
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