Posted by CSCameron [] on Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 22:36:57 :
Hey everybody,
Well. I just received two Yellow Sea 9.00r16 radials to test out for my dual rim setup. I had them mounted on two M37 Dual Rims and mounted them on the same side of the truck to see if the inside one would clear the disc caliper. It does, barely. Check out the slide show at the link below.
Does it matter if the inside tire does not track with the front tire? Using both dual rims on the same side puts the inside tire closer to the frame than the stock rim. It clears the frame and caliper fine as can be seen in the pics.
There is 1.5 inches of space between the tires. Is that too much?
At this point I don't know how much space, if any, would be between the stock rim and a dually rim combo? I'll check that later. From other pics I have seen of the stock rim and dual rim combo, the tires look to be touching and may require a spacer?
Anyway, check out the pics and let me know if you see anything of concern.
Oh, the other tires on the truck are 11.00r16. The pics show the size differences. The Yellow Sea 9.00r16 measure 35.75 inches tall. The section width of the Yellow Sea tires are a hair narrower than the NDT's.
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