Posted by Willy-N [] on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 15:06:03 :
My brain has some white areas but this happens to old people when the blood does not flow good in some areas? My neck is a different story. C6 & C7 used to be messed up. Now C2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 is degenerated and messing with me causing the pain and other stuff. So they gave me muscle relaxers to take. Seems my neck muscles are now trying to fix my neck and lifting it strait which is why it is so sore. The neck is supposed to have a curve and mine is now strait due to the degeneration in it. Not much they can do about it except pin it all together to hold it apart. So I get more drugs to deal with the pain it causes. Other than that they have some EKG thing on me for 32 hours to get a reading and they want to check my arteries in my neck again. It is great getting old?? The other part really sucks not getting older!
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