Posted by Daryl in Oz [] on Tuesday, October 06, 2015 at 04:26:25 :
In Reply to: Re: How to remove a split ring rim? posted by CSCameron [] on Monday, October 05, 2015 at 20:01:08 :
Good video, pretty much explains it. That guy is a great shot with the bead hammer and I like he uses the water/detergent. I prefer my tire guy to do the work these days, but if you want to know how I've done it for years, the main points are - make sure all air is out - break bead away from split ring - you must be able to squash the tire away from the ring, using the thin end tool start to lever the ring up and away from the rim, once you get it started it should come fairly easily - turn rim/tire over and break bead on the back - pull the rim out of the tire making sure you don't destroy the valve. Remove all dirt, rust scale from rim and ring - note when the ring is properly seated on the rim it should have clearance between the ends. If you suspect the rim or the ring may be beyond use get it checked by a truck tire place. Use plenty of detergent when reassembling to ensure the tire slides over the steel easily. When you put it back together seat the ring as well as you can into the rim groove and slowly add some air until you see the tire starting to expand and slide over the ring - now would be a good time to chain the tire/rim as mentioned above, or you could put it under the chassis of the truck. Personally, I give a little more air and hit on the ring all the way around with my hard rubber mallet - the tire usually creeps over the ring and the ring gap closes almost right up - I continue adding air and hitting until I'm sure the ring is properly seated and I'm up to pressure. Following this procedure I've never had one of these type rims come apart.