Posted by John Seidts [] on Tuesday, September 08, 2015 at 06:15:50 :
In Reply to: Kind of hard to describe.... posted by Jonas [] on Monday, September 07, 2015 at 13:24:22 :
If you watch the "pickers," "Pawn Stars," or any other really well-thought out, decent reality TV, you know that you can drop by anybody's house who owns something for free appraisal advice.
There is a procedure for this:
The jerk, entrepreneur, or village idiot steps onto your property, full of questions about his personal investment portfolio in junk.
You point your articulated idiot advice stick square at his/her head (you know, muzzle in a safe direction where it won't hurt anything important) and tell them not to ever seek advice from people with junk in their backyard. It has something to do with HIPAA or Affordable Care Act or TARP funds and Federal Reserve confidentiality....
Mark Wahlburg would tell them that if they get caught doing that again, they could get locked up in the Federal Reserve.