Added a links page to my PG website

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Posted by Eric B. on Friday, August 31, 2001 at 12:46PM :

Well I decided to add a links page to my Power Giant PW website, but instead of limiting myself to PG PWs(since there are almost none on the web) I thought I would include all the Dodge trucks I could.

The URL is:

Or click on the link below and then click on the Dodge truck links section.

I put up every page I had bookmarked with a picture of a PG truck 2wd or 4wd, as well as every flat fender PW I had ever found.

I also included 61-71 Dodge trucks(mostly PWs) and WWII stuff.

I you know of ANY links that I missed, or want me to add a 39-47, 48-53 section please let me know.

You provide the link, I will add it.

Let me know what you think.

By the way despite the large number of 72 and up sites I did not include them, and I do not plan to, there are to many other sites already covering them.

I hope you enjoy!


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