Posted by Paul(in NY) [] on Tuesday, July 07, 2015 at 13:05:57 :
In Reply to: Coolant system flushing & draining posted by Joe Cimoch [] on Monday, July 06, 2015 at 20:47:11 :
The picture shows the setup. I do not use the hose off the top of the radiator. I let it blow the junk out, straight up.
Make a hose up to fill the radiator from the bottom. The hose fitting must have a water shut off, and a air inlet. When the radiator is full and overflowing with water, shut off the water. Then give a SHORT blast of air, just a BURP of air. I use 20 psi. The TM does not specify a air pressure. Keep doing this filling short blast until all you get is clean water. Remember a short blast of air. Have your slicker on, its like Old Faithful coming out the top of the radiator. You cant believe the junk that will blow out
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