Posted by Caleb ( Middle of near nowhere, Kansas) [] on Monday, June 29, 2015 at 01:25:28 :
So I dug out the 9000lb 2 post lift that we bought from a family friend back in 06 or 07 when he retired. As I spread everything out on the floor, I distinctly remembered taking the thing apart and had no problems figuring out what everything was but I got out the instructions anyway. Whole thing starts with sliding in the carriers before standing anything up. Keep in mind that I'm doing this all by my self, no help. So I get down towards the end and I'm ready to start installing the hydraulic hoses so naturally I open the box labeled "hydraulic hoses". Inside said box is a neatly coiled set of hoses....And a bunch of nylon blocks. ...dammit....they are the guides/cushions that go on all 8 corners of the carriers. ...NO WHERE to be mentioned in the instructions, or even on the parts diagram or list. ...guess this was a dry run of sorts. It's a shame I've got to take it all down and start over.
Those damn legs are heavy.....but the cables were the biggest pain since I can only tighten the nuts about 1/4 turn per stroke. I just was thinking to myself this morning that I need to do more manual labor. ..getting to soft all over.