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Posted by Dan (NH) [] on Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 21:28:06 :

So, this evening I went into the lower storage shed to get the lawnmower out and I hear this squeaking from behind the truck I have in there as well. Not thinking much of it, I mowed the lawn and put back the lawnmower, this time I heard hissing. WTH? I have a stack of powerwagon tires 5 high, with the top two off the rims and the bottom three on rims. Leaning over and looking down the center the hissing gets louder and turns into a deep growl. Just about that time, these two shiny eyes pop up and scare the grease out of me! Now, I swear that thing wanted a piece of me. Worried it was a skunk, I went and got a flashlight. Figured it was a raccoon and not a skunk, but wanted to make sure before I antaganized it any more. With a light peering down, there was and adult and at least two babies, all calling my decent non-directional tires home.
Now, I am all OK with the live and let live motto, but not in my shed. I was able to pull one of the tires off the stack, and she went back to the deep growl, so I figured I was pushing my luck. I left the shed doors open and hope she or "it" took the hint and moves out on it's own.

So, with that said, I moved on to another project. Re-installing the 6 volt battery in the Farmall in another smaller seperate shed, so I could pull some trees this weekend. Now, I go into this shed alot, it is where the gas and all the hand tools and the table saw is. So, I open the door and across a rafter scatters a big fat grey squirl. Poking around a little, I found he has made a nest in the box I had the old Fisher plow parts stored in. Aggghhh!

I closed the door and called it a night at this point. He was more than willing to leave so I think his eviction will be quick.

I need to run chicken wire across the rafter to wall spaces in both sheds.

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