Posted by Arthur on Shelter Island [] on Wednesday, April 01, 2015 at 21:30:24 :
Today there was an auction of various trucks, tractors, mowing machines and other industrial metal at the county highway barn and impound area. There has been a push, apparently, to get rid of all the old parts and spares that only would fit trucks and tractors that are no longer in the inventory. I went with a couple of friends who have more money that I do, just to see what was available.
There were tons of spare fenders, tailgates that had been removed from new trucks so that road sanders could be installed, etc. Towards the end of the auction, a forklift brought out about 15 or 16 brand new old stock Dodge tailgates. I'm not sure whether they will fit all PW's, but I'm sure that they will fit the 2nd series beds. I convinced my friend to bid on them. He got the whole lot for $225.00 He will sell them for $1oo each, which is a fair price, I think.
There are also brand new, in the crate, winches and PTO units. There are 5 of them, at $650 each, with all the parts, except the cable and hook.
If anyone needs a brand new tailgate for a 2nd series PW, or a complete wicn set-up, let him know. The best way to reach him is by email at his business.